Recent news

Recent news

A summary of some new news related to CUNY's and CSI's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. See for the archive.

To add/suggest news, please email John Verzani

College Council and Faculty Senate

Please find a letter backed by the overwhelming majority of the executive committees representing the entirety of the college governance at CSI. We urge you, as we have in the recent past, to adopt a different system to handle the unprecedented challenges we face as a community. Together we can work though this, divided, we stand little chance of emerging as a strong and vibrant institution.

Let's talk....

link Library resources email

link Links to World on Wednesday lecture series

link New Blog entries at the UFS (with one on the budget outlook as of last week).

link An Op-Ed by Matt Brim for the Gotham Gazette.

link Governor Cuomo says:

The state and the Gates Foundation will consider what education should look like in the future, including:


Rumors from Baruch are that the second half of the CARES funding can be used to replace the expected state cuts (to some degree). This is not official.

Wash your hands and maintain a "social distance."
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