Recent news

Recent news

A summary of some new news related to CUNY's and CSI's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. See for the archive.

To add/suggest news, please email John Verzani


link Documents for May 21 College Council and Faculy Senate meetings. Includes the zoom link.


link PSC Chair letter to Board and Chancellory.

There is no justification for the terminations of employment and, in many cases, of health insurance that CUNY colleges have announced. Taking such actions at any time would be alarming; doing so in the midst of a pandemic is inexcusable.



The CARES Act provided some relief to community colleges and their students, but the funding formula placed institutions that serve large numbers of part-time students at a disadvantage. Specifically, community colleges received only 21%, or 2.6billion,ofthe2.6 billion, of the 12.5 billion allocated to postsecondary education, even though they enroll over 40% of undergraduates.

link Insider Higher Ed article on exigency – retrenchment

So far, only a few institutions have taken the step of declaring financial exigency, which enables institutions to lay off tenured faculty members under American Association of University Professors guidelines. ...The lack of declarations could be about to change. At least some colleges and universities have begun looking into what it would mean to declare exigency...

link 15 Fall Scenarios Higher education in a time of social distancing.

Wash your hands and maintain a "social distance."
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