Recent news

Recent news

A summary of some new news related to CUNY's and CSI's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. See for the archive.

To add/suggest news, please email John Verzani

link Food pantry news was shared

Budget tea leaves

link costs at colleges mount

link PSC Chair urges opposing pre-emptive cuts

link New York state takes budget action:

As a result, in the absence of Federal assistance, initial budget control actions outlined in the Financial Plan will reduce spending by 10.1billionfromtheExecutiveBudget.Thisrepresentsa10.1 billion from the Executive Budget. This represents a 7.3 billion reduction in state spending from FY 2020 levels.

The 10.1billioninspendingreductionsfromthelevelsproposedintheExecutiveBudgetincludean10.1 billion in spending reductions from the levels proposed in the Executive Budget include an 8.2 billion reduction in “aid-to-localities,” a broad spending category that includes funding for health care, K-12 schools, and higher education ...

Wash your hands and maintain a "social distance."
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