Recent news

Recent news

A summary of some new news related to CUNY's and CSI's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. See for the archive.

To add/suggest news, please email John Verzani

Good news

The College is in line to get 12.5M in federal funding, but exactly how is unclear. See How much by institution.

PLANNED COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND HOSPITAL TO DROP SIZE — Staten Island Advance’s Sydney Kashiwagi: “A field hospital planned at the College of Staten Island set to hold at least 1,000 beds may be dropping down in size to 150 beds as the state has halted construction on the site for at least 48 hours, the Advance has learned. … The source with knowledge of the Army Corps of Engineers’ plan, told the Advance construction of the CSI site is being halted because the state thinks the additional beds on the Island might not be needed anymore based on its latest hospitalization projections.”

Bad news

Wash your hands and maintain a "social distance."
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