3/30 email

Dear Colleagues –

Going forward, the Faculty Center team (Fausto Canela, Michael Castelli, Kristen Lindtvedt) will be focused on providing ongoing technical support and troubleshooting for Blackboard, as well as additional training in online pedagogy and advanced Blackboard topics. We are anticipating a significant increase in support and training needs as the college community moves deeper into teaching and working in a fully online environment. Therefore we have scheduled several dedicated Q & A sessions, in addition to training in more advanced topics.

To date, we have completed 48 virtual training sessions covering both introductory and advanced Blackboard training and have responded to over 2,000 faculty support requests. Additionally, we have created 115 new Blackboard organizations to support academic departments, administration, and tutors.

Please make sure to frequently check the

CSI Coronavirus Message and Important links for Blackboard Support and Technology Training Blackboard and Technology Training Registration Page Faculty Center Information Hub in Blackboard

Be safe, Michael Castelli Ralf Peetz

Wash your hands and maintain a "social distance."
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