From: PSC-CSI Chapter Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 1:36 PM To: FacultyStaffBroadcast Subject: Online Teaching Resources

To All,

I will be sending out emails and updates throughout the afternoon to try and respond to numerous issues related to the suspension of in-classroom teaching and the ramifications of this decision on the lives and work of our members and students.

Below I am forwarding some links to online teaching resources. I am sure there are more but I simply wanted to begin sending these out as our part-time and full-time faculty begin to grapple with making this transition. Please keep in mind that we have this week to try and prepare ourselves for making this move to online, "distance learning." I will be reaching out to our Center for Teaching and Learning and see resources they can share, but here are some links that can be of service:

Moving Your Writing Class Online (crowd-sourced google doc, general information, too)

Considerations for Instructional Continuity (general CUNY information)

There will be more communications throughout the day.

Take extra good care!


Wash your hands and maintain a "social distance."
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