3/14 email to campus community

Dear Colleagues:

Attached you will please find a letter to the CSI Community from the chairs of the College Council and the Faculty Senate.

We ask that you please disseminate this letter widely – particularly to your chair, so s/he can send it to all faculty, HEOs, and other staff members in your department.

Thank you and stay well!

The members of the College Council and Faculty Senate Executive Committees

Dear Colleagues: As the chairs of the Faculty Senate and College Council, we are writing to establish open lines of communication among our membership during the Covid-19 crisis. The College has disseminated a list of offices that can help the community get information about a wide range of areas. ( https://bit.ly/2Qbe5vl or try https://www.csi.cuny.edu/about-csi/president-leadership/office-president/presidential-communications/coronavirus-message). In addition, the Executive Committees of the College Council and Faculty Senate would like to serve as a resource to convey CSI and CUNY related information to the campus, as well as to serve as a conduit for your concerns to the Administration. We are undertaking this initiative to foster a spirit of collaboration, shared governance and transparency at CSI. Faculty leadership has been participating in CSI's task force on the crisis, which is directed by Provost Michael Parrish. There are currently daily meetings that are taking place, with Jennifer Borrero of Student Affairs, Patrica Khan of the Office of Information Technology, Hope Berte of Facilities Management, Ken Iwama of Economic Development, Steven Ferst of the Center for Global Engagement, Michael Parrish of Academic Affairs, and Robert Wallace of Legal Affairs. As chair of the Faculty Senate, Jane has been representing the faculty at these gatherings. The steps being taken to address this unprecedented crisis are still unfolding, and there are many unanswered questions and challenges. We are especially concerned about the HEOs and other staff members who are required to be present on campus, especially those who may be at higher risk due to age, health, or commuting arrangements. In addition, there are many classes that cannot be taught on-line, and we are acutely aware of their need for special consideration. As your elected representatives, we are open to other concerns that you may have, and we are here to listen. CSI faculty and staff will undoubtedly get through this crisis, as we always do. We look forward to seeing everyone (on-line or in-person), and wish you all good health and safety in the coming weeks.


Jane Marcus-Delgado Chair, Faculty Senate

John Verzani Chair, College Council

Wash your hands and maintain a "social distance."
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