4/29 email
Dear Faculty, On Monday, May 4th at 1PM the Faculty Senate Executive Committee will be hosting a Town Hall. We have scheduled it for one hour. At the meeting we would like to narrow the discussion to concerns about the impact of the coronavirus on the academic enterprise at CSI. Topics will include: What should happen with fall semester? What does the budget really look like, and what might that mean? Are the resources provided for online instruction adequate, lacking Training for online instruction for faculty Training for online instruction for students How will final exams be given? Health and welfare concerns for faculty and staff The role of college governance in the decision making going forward Are there communication shortfalls? Are there concerns about the University or College's decision making processes? We hope you will join us. The Zoom link for the meeting is below.
Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Jane Marcus-Delgado Deborah DeSimone Deborah Franzblau John Wing
Jane Marcus-Delgado is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Faculty Senate Town Hall Time: May 4, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92831657289?pwd=NkViUVRIOUFOdHV3OEVLUXRnV00vUT09
Meeting ID: 928 3165 7289 Password: 405483 One tap mobile +13017158592,,92831657289# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,92831657289# US (Chicago)
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