4/21 email
Dear members and friends of the Faculty Senate,
This Thursday, there will be a virtual meeting of the College Council and the Faculty Senate from 2:30-4:30 Below is the link for you to join.
All materials needed for the 140th meeting of the Faculty Senate are attached. I apologize that these materials are coming to you so close to the meeting date. We were not at all sure if the Curriculum Committees could meet this month – but Katie, Catherine, Sarah and the members of all three curriculum committees not only managed to meet and vote, but to get it all done in time for this meeting. The Gen Ed Committee met just yesterday.
On behalf of the Faculty Senate, I would like to ACKNOWLEDGE AND APPLAUD the incredible work of Veronica DiMeglio. Veronica organized the work of these three committees and put everything in order for Thursday. Thank you Veronica!
The format of the meeting Thursday will be similar to our meetings in 1P-119, only voting will be done one-line. All guidelines for voting on curricular items and other proposals will be explained at the beginning of the meeting and reviewed when we get to the curricular items – should members join us late.
Naturally, we ask for your patience and good humor as we explore new ways of meeting, new uses of Zoom, and new lengths to our technological abilities!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday!
Sincerely, Deborah De Simone Secretary, Faculty Senate
Topic: College Council and Faculty Senate Meeting Time: Apr 23, 2020 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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